Tip #1

A planet suspended in the Universe and fully supported. We are here now, living on this planet and fully supported.

I get so confused when people seem to regard their current life as some type of test run before the next life. What makes anyone think that it’s okay to live a mediocre life when the Universe has clearly provided us with EVERYTHING we need to live extraordinary lives. I truly believe in the concept that if you don’t maximize all that you currently have, why in the world would you be provided with anything better. Right now in this very moment you are sitting, lying, or standing on a planet that is suspended and rotating in an endless Universe, isn’t this in and of itself something to be excited about, something to cherish, something to encourage you to make the most out of?

Are you capable of sitting at a place like this without being grateful? Would you spend your time here wishing for a better place to be?

Enhanced Life Experience, TIP #1: Explore this beautiful planet we live on. Find out what is most beautiful to you about the planet, is it the clouds, sunsets, trees, large open fields, endless seas or sky-high mountains? Once you identify the natural beauty you are most drawn to, learn to bask in it. Begin a daily practice of consciously appreciating our planet. Peace, Love, & Blessings!

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