
I am grateful for your interest and time. My hope is that you will stay with me as I share my life experiences and perceptions of those experiences that have enhanced the way I view life. I hope that through my words you will have a few “Ah Ha” moments, a laugh or two, and maybe even a new perspective on an old idea.
Over the course of my forty-something years of living, I have had what I often refer to as a colorful life. Let me be perfectly clear, by colorful I mean challenging, risky, and many times on a fast track to nowhere. Like most people, I have had experiences that I now laugh out loud about, some that I hang my head in shame about, some that make me think “WoW, did I do that?” (In Steve Urkel’s voice), and others that make me think “WoW, I DID THAT!” Then there are days (actually most days) when no particular experience seems worth much thought at all.

Whenever I have a “WOW” moment, a moment in which an experience is so clearly something for me to grow from, I want to share it. Likely because I am constantly seeking those moments, I recognize them quite frequently. This blog is my platform to not only share some of those experiences but more importantly the insights I’ve gained from them. I aim to shed light on the process of learning, growing, and applying everyday life experiences so that we can move more gently and happily into the greatest version of self.

Learning and growing are inevitable, whether consciously or subconsciously we will learn and grow every day. One of the keys to a fulfilled life is to actively and joyfully participate in the growth and learning process. By paying close attention and really contemplating our experiences, we can begin to see themes in our life. These themes are further guides to the development of our highest self. This is how we have “enhanced life experiences”.

So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and just read for a while!

Are you ready to get the most out of everyday life?

In “Well of course”, author Dr. Tamara Stephens presents a transformative guide that will help you discover the extraordinary lessons that are hidden within the most ordinary experiences.

In a world filled with constant distractions and overwhelming busyness, it’s easy to lose sight or to feel disconnected from our nature to grow. But what if we could find joy and meaning in the simple moments that make up our daily lives? Drawing on a wealth of wisdom and personal anecdotes, Dr. Stephens reveals how you can harness the power of everyday experiences to cultivate joy, gratitude, and awareness.


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