I get so confused when people seem to regard their current life as some type of test run before the next life. What makes anyone think that it’s okay to live a mediocre life when the Universe has clearly provided us with EVERYTHING we need to live extraordinary lives. I truly believe in the concept […]
Regardless of how you may feel about the size, shape, or current condition of your body, how grateful are you for it? Do you realize how amazing your body is? Do you know that your body is working day and night to keep you well? Have you ever considered the role your body plays in […]
Can you remember the things you instinctually did as a child that made you feel better when life got stressful? Did you have a hobby or an activity that without much thought at all you turned to when you needed to escape reality. Coloring, drawing, dancing, singing, playing an instrument, exercising, do you remember if […]
Do you value time as one of your most precious commodities? Do you find that there are times when all you can think about is the time you either do or don’t have? Do you consider yourself a good manager of time? What does it even mean to you to be a good manager of […]
Have you ever caught yourself engaged in negative thoughts? Does your mind ever tend to go off on tangents, seemingly without your consent? How do you manage your mind when it appears to be doing its own thing? How do you stay positive when your thoughts keep drifting back to something negative? A few weeks […]
Have you ever given any thought to the true concept of a paradise? What do you see when you think about it? What are the people like? I was raised in a religion where the concept of paradise is often spoken about. Throughout my life, I have occasionally thought about paradise and what it would […]